long overdue bread blog post

so, as you may or may not know, at the start of this month i did some animation for a music video for a song called “bread” by Mr. Mcdonell. (CLICK HERE TO SEE THAT VIDEO.)

despite it being quite a push to get this done on time, i did really enjoy working on this. it was kinda strange and a bit like some weird bizarre dream doing this really. fanboy warning. like a whole lot of people, charlie was really the first guy who i started following on youtube, back in 2006. i casually used to watch his videos at the begining and then it was through him that i discovered the fiveawesomeguys thing and really found out properly about this exciting community and just the amazing power of youtube.
this year has been insane for me youtube-wise: i’ve been able to make videos with and for some incredible people, i’ve made some silly things and been blown away by the response to them, i’ve had such amazing times at gatherings (SitC2010 was my first ever) and met some brilliant people and made some fantastic friends, and then to be able to finish off the year by going full circle and doing a video for the guy who started this whole thing for me, has just been unbelievable.
thanks to everyone who has made the above possible…it means a lot…you’re the best! ❤

okay….so this is the point where i realise i’ve written quite a bit already and i still have more to say. so, you can have a break here if you like. go make yourself a cup of tea, watch a bit of tv, go do something productive for a little bit…then come back here when you’re ready if you want to read some more…

so the other thing that happened concerning bread that i didn’t take into much consideration when i started the video, was the effect it would have on my channel.
before charlie got in touch with me, i was planning to start doing regular videos. just been inspired by a load of other youtubers and i felt a want to just make more stuff…just shorter, less time consuming things and upload on a regular basis. my juggling monsters video was gonna be the beginning of that…
i had a whole bunch of other ideas as well….i even filmed a couple. the problem i had though was that i was really aware that i got this base of 2,000 subscribers and that about 1,000 people would be watching..and i know that sounds stupid cause the idea of videos is that they should be watched, but i started to feel really self conscious about them. i was kinda worried that it wouldn’t work, or that it would look like i was trying too hard to be funny…etc…etc… so i ended up convincing myself the ideas weren’t good enough.
….and now i have over 9,ooo subscribers.
it is really nice and i am thankful that that many people have taken an interest in things i’ve made…but at the same time it’s a bit scary…and i’m not really sure what to do.
it just so happens that my camera is broken at the moment (i have been borrowing a friends) and so i’m using that as an excuse to chill out and not do any videos for a bit. but i think i’m going to come back in the new year properly and not think about audience too much and just be all fresh and stuff…

anyway…it’s nearly christmas…so here’s a christmas song i wrote the other day:

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5 Responses to long overdue bread blog post

  1. L says:

    I am one of thos 9000+ new subscribers, and I’d love for you to make more videos! I think all those people subscribed for a reason 🙂
    Oh and that song was really lovely!

  2. Adina Cohen says:

    I understand where your coming from…..It took me years to even attempt to make my first vblog……comments can be scary sometimes :/

    Your Christmas sing is really nice….made me smile after a mentally draining day…thanks


  3. Stephanie says:

    While I can’t personally account what it must feel like to have so many people watching what you do, I can say from experience that you can’t let what others think determine what you do.
    I’m assuming you started making videos because it was something you enjoy doing and I have to say that, ultimately, its still about what makes YOU happy. Or at least it should be.

    And also, I liked juggling monsters. So as far as I’m concerned you can make videos like that all day long. =)

  4. Jess says:

    This is my new favourite Christmas song 🙂

  5. HarleyMarshall says:

    This song is adorable, i would love a hug from you (: ❤ that made me sound like a bit of a stalker, but i think your so sweet (: xx

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